Becoming Wacky Chad is a documentary about Chadd Deitz, a stunt comedian known for his extreme pogo skills. Shot by his brother Isaac, it offers an inside look at Chad’s 20-year career as a street performer, blending comedy, daring stunts, and the perseverance needed to entertain and inspire.
Reviews / Screening Promo
"Tell Me Something Good"
Tim Fox - Syr News 9
About the Film's Director
Isaac Deitz, (WackyChad's Brother) filmed, followed, & directed a full length documentary about Becoming WackyChad!
Since the age of 10 years old, Isaac has been obsessed with using cameras to tell stories. Since then, he's directed nationally televised documentaries, music videos for Grammy winning musicians, wrote and directed two feature films, one a documentary and one scripted narrative.
IMDB Contact & Links: linktr.ee/isaacdeitz
Book the Show!
Book WackyChad at WackyChad.com
Review Movie
"I'm super excited about showing this hilarious award winning story to everyone I know!
My brother, Isaac Deitz did a VERY TALENTED job connecting the footage to tell my story in a way I didn't even know. There's 10 terabytes - over 20+ years of footage from high quality camera's, mobile clips, DV & VHS tapes, DVD's, that has been collected, downloaded, screen captured, organized, renamed and most of the footage used was high quality and filmed by my brother. There was a lot of great scenes that were not shown or cut shorter, and a lot of challenges that made the completion of this film very overwhelming at times.
There's a lot of hard work that went into this film and it shows, and there's a lot of hard work in my show and that's the movie. ENJOY!
Wacky Chad
Chadd Deitz
“It put a smile on my face the entire time. I even really loved the credits - the credits were fun! I loved this movie!”
“This film has really opened my eyes to a whole different world”
"Really cool insight into the life of buskers"
"Such a joy to watch!"
"This movie is excellent. It is full of humor and passion. It is emotionally stirring and joyful. I highly recommend befriending someone this hard working, resourceful and talented.
"I LOVED this documentary! It was incredibly personable, touching, and vulnerable. Watching the evolution of Chad's art, and the way it was witnessed by his brother, was nothing short of breathtaking. I'm already excited to watch it again!
Jessica Darling
"Wacky, Wild, & Wonderful! A story of growth and courage with immense passion that keeps you smiling the entire time!"
Jacklyn Bell
“I've seen Wacky Chad perform in Atlanta and I absolutely love his sense of humor. It was so much fun seeing how he honed his skills through years of training and traveling and trying new material. Watch this film and then go out and support live street performers!"
"This documentary was engaging and hilarious from the opening scene til the last frame! I have such a broader, clearer understanding of the mental, physical and financial toll it takes to pursue a career in Busking. Becoming WackyChad will give you deeper respect for performers like WackyChad who have a true passion for their craft. It’s amazing the amount of video footage that was accumulated all these years. Highly recommend this movie. Bravo!"
"Oh man, I did NOT realize how much I needed this film. Laughing for 90 minutes straight...moments of true joy & community & camaraderie....interspersed with moments of pain & struggle...and a truly cathartic ending....was exactly what my soul needed. I will be streaming this IMMEDIATELY when it's available...and probably many times after that."
Elias Gwinn
"This documentary is captivating. It offers a heartwarming, and many times hilarious look into the life of a professional street performer; or stunt comedian, as Wacky Chad calls himself. Because the director is the brother of the films' star, we get a unique perspective with footage going back decades! Very cool! And it's just plain interesting. Getting an inside view of the challenges and rewards of that profession. I laughed most of the way through with multiple guffaws. 🤣 See this movie!"
Dan Mumford
"Saw the premiere at the Syracuse International Film Festival. Chose theater #1 on a limb and could not be happier. This film opens the eye to the little pieces of happiness that are so often lost in the commotion of everyday life. Becoming WackyChad is a beautiful reminder that life is only what you make of it, why not make it wacky."
Connor Crowley
"A heartwarming story of Chad's journey to follow his dreams of bringing joy to the world one pogo stick backflip at a time. The film is chock full of hilariously goofy jokes and electrifyingly skillful stunts. We are treated to the behind the scenes details of life on the road and we see that life as a street performer is not all juggling and backflips. The film reminds us that joy and laughter are worthy pursuits, even if people will think you're a little wacky.
Fred Hintz
"This was an awesome film! Entertaining and funny! Wacky Chad’s journey as a performer is truly inspirational for other people aspiring to pursue a career using their talents-whatever they might be! Highly recommend!"
Jennifer L
"Great movie! Funny, touching and a lot of insight to into the world of buskers! Very interesting and entertaining."
Justin L
"This film portrays the life, love and laughter of a performer through his brother's eyes. It takes you on a journey with lots of laughs. Highly recommend seeing it with friends!"
Kim D
"The film kept us interested the whole time. Kept us laughing throughout the movie. His brother did a great job at directing the movie. I understand it was a ten year project for them. Congrats! Great job!"
Cindy R
"Lots of laughs, fun to watch, I want to see it again!"
"The movie was great! 5 stars!"
Seth Kerlin
"Phenomenal film. A+ storytelling of an A+ story."
Mike Case
"This is a story that is beautifully told! It takes you inside the hard work, grit and determination that it takes to be in the busking industry with whit and humor. What does it take to make a profession in bringing joy to pedestrians and every day people? We need more films like this one! You will belly laugh often, and we could all use more of that! It's refreshing."
Bekah Siau
"I enjoyed every minute of the movie. As many others shared, I smiled the whole time. This movie is refreshing and full of life. I loved it! I highly recommend it. A must see, you will be glad you did."
Toni Wood
"We loved your movie! Christian can’t stop talking about you and the show! You did great!"
Ryan Dibert
"It really was exactly what I needed last night, it’s an inspiring real story and I was completely engaged the whole experience. So releasing to laugh like that."
Sicily R
"WOW I have watched this now over three times, twice with groups and once alone. Brings out all your emotions and it’s a must watch with family and friends!"
Skye Filion
"This movie was truly incredible—it somehow captures over 20 years' worth of footage of a kid living out his dream to entertain and bring joy to the masses. We get to witness Chad learning how to turn the visions he's dreamed up in his head into reality, whether solo or alongside his friends, coworkers, and family. The movie uniquely offers insight into the life of a busker, traveling the world to fulfill his dreams of entertaining crowds. I highly recommend it. Congratulations on documenting this journey so beautifully!"
"This film was such a fun ride, an inspiring, funny and feel good watch!"
Oak Eilliot